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Portfolio app for stock, ETFs, cryptos und precious metals.

Portfolio app for stock, ETFs, cryptos und precious metals.

Manage your assets in real time
Say goodbye to Excel.

Manage your assets in real time

No matter if stocks, ETFs, crypto investments or precious metals - Wavealert always shows you the overall balance with current prices. You can see at a glance what is plus or minus.

For further information see portfolio tracker.

Asset classes
  • 5000+ stocks
  • 15,000 ETFs, ETCs & funds
  • 2,500+ crypto currencies
  • precious metals (gold & silver)
powered by:
coin gecko logo
ariva logo
Crypto Currencies
Shares, ETFs, precious metals
Asset classes
Set smart alerts

Secure your values

Strong rises or massive falls. Decide for yourself with the help of our clever alert features, to which development you want to be notified. Choose whether you are interested in an absolute value or a specific change over a defined period of time.

The usual alerts that detect percentage movements per day are of little help and a stop-loss order can not evaluate the market movement because it is automatically sold.

The best: For only 15 cents a month you can define as many alerts per asset as you want!

For further information see chart alerts.

Secure your values Set smart alerts
The right timing
The right timing

Recognize opportunities by setting price alerts

Even successful assets experience a bear market with significant drops at regular intervals. This is the time to accumulate values cheaply, because the next rise follows according to statistics determined.

With our latest news you get the opportunity just in time for the market event to consider what is the cause of the turbulence and how you want to act. Recognize your opportunities!

For further information see news analysis.

Chart analysis
Chart analysis

Track moving trend lines with your chart analysis

Track daily profit and loss calculations and identify your best performing assets.

Wavealert helps you to look for rebound effects and striking price developments. With it you monitor the development of your portfolio in the long term with the help of the 200-day line and control it intelligently.

For further information see 200 day moving average.

Premium course data

  • Buy price line
  • 50 / 200 day line
  • Price dip marking
  • Price rebound marking
  • Macro trend over 5 years
Secure your values Set smart alerts
Alerts + News + Notes

Top features for your portfolio


Be the first to know when the market moves.

  • Drop / rise by x% in any period
  • Price value higher / lower than (stop loss early warning system)

For further information see chart alerts.


Benefit from expert assessments & analysis.

  • News
  • Block posts

For further information see news analysis.


Take notes on your own strategy.

  • Individual notes per asset
  • Documentation of the strategy

For further information see notes.

Become a smart investor

In a few minutes you have created your account and added your stocks, ETFs, precious metals or cryptocurrencies. Set your first alerts and watch your performance in the portfolio overview.

Simple portfolio transfer

  • Search by ISIN, WKN or name
  • Transfer number and Ø individual value at purchase
  • CSV Importer - in preparation

For further information see portfolio transfer.

Transparent cost model

Manage up to 9 assets free of charge. Additional assets will be charged via prepaid. The number of your assets counts.

  • Prepaid model (0.15 euros per alert / per month)
  • Any number of alarms per asset

For further information see free assets and prepaid model.

Community Votes

Profit from the WA community's swarm intelligence

  • Investment Inspiration
  • Popular alerts from the Wavealert community

For further information see community alerts.

Become a smart investor

*Free for up to 9 assets with no time limit!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a portfolio strategy?

With regard to the question of "what belongs in a good portfolio", it is pointed out that broad diversification across different asset classes reduces the risk of loss. It is also important to adjust the ratio of low-risk to high-risk shares according to your own wishes. For the portfolio analysis, you examine precisely this ratio and can recalibrate your portfolio according to your own strategy.

Which assets can be monitored?

With the portfolio app, you can monitor shares, ETFs, crypto investments or the precious metals gold & silver. All assets are in a single list that can be sorted according to various parameters. It doesn't matter whether you are only monitoring the asset, have set alerts for it or have it in your personal portfolio.

What information is displayed for each asset?

When you click on an asset, the asset details are displayed. First the symbol (if it exists), then the WKN and the ISIN. If the asset is in your portfolio, all your values are displayed below: Number of assets, purchase value per asset, current value, total of the investment, total value at current price and the result in absolute and percentage terms.

What options does the alarm function offer?

Absolute alarm: Triggers if the value of the asset is greater or less than an absolute value. Delta alarm: Triggers if the value of an asset has fallen or risen by more than the entered % value over several days. Alarm when crossing the 50- or 200-day line: Triggers as soon as the daily line is crossed upwards or downwards.

Can individual trades also be entered?

You can create an entry for each purchase or sale in the portfolio app and specify when you bought or sold how many items at what price. You can see your complete history in the edit dialog of an asset.

Can notes also be added?

The portfolio app offers you the option of creating your own notes on the assets. For example, you can write down when you want to buy or sell an asset or what you want to do in the event of an alarm.

What added value does the community offer?

If you are a Premium member, you will see active alerts from the entire community in the Portfolio app. You can respond to these directly or use them as inspiration for interesting alerts of your own.

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Don't miss a wave.
The practical portfolio monitor for stocks, ETFs, cryptos and precious metals (gold & silver).